Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) implements Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) mechanism of the University. QECs are established in all campuses and are run as per HEC guidelines.
QEC is member of International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE), and Association of Quality Assurance Agencies of the Islamic World (AQAAIW). These memberships offer ample opportunities to collaborate with international members for benchmarking and standardization of best practices. Moreover, the QEC staff also participates in their international events, both as a significant contributor and participant.

Vision Statement
The Metropolitan University, Karachi desires to be one of the top organizations, of Higher Education to create and sustain a conducive environment for learning, innovation, peace, research, and adding moral and ethical values to society.
Mission Statement
- Develop and implement best practices in education and research
- Train faculty and staff to implement quality at every step
- Monitor the implementation of best practices
- Continuously strive for further improvement
The Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) is to be headed by a Dean reporting directly to Vice Chancellor/Rector. He is to be the correspondent with the outside bodies. QEC is responsible for:
- Promoting public confidence that the quality and standards of the award of degrees are enhanced and safeguarded.
- Review of quality standards and the quality of teaching and learning in each subject area.
- Review of academic affiliations with other institutions in terms of effective management of standards and quality of programs.
- Defining clear and explicit standards as points of reference to the reviews to be carried out. It should also help the employees to know as to what they could expect from candidates.
- Developing qualifications framework by setting out the attributes and abilities that can be expected from the holder of a qualification, i.e. Master’s, M. Phil., Doctoral.
- Developing program specifications. These are standard set of information clarifying what knowledge, understanding, skills and other attributes a student will have developed on successfully completing a specific program.
- Developing quality assurance processes and methods of evaluation to affirm that the quality of provision and the standard of awards are being maintained and to foster curriculum, subject and staff development, together with research and other scholarly activities.
- Making ensure that the university’s quality assurance procedures are designed to fit in with the arrangements in place nationally for maintaining and improving the quality of Higher Education.
- Developing procedures for the following:
- Approval of new program
- Annual Monitoring and evaluation including program monitoring, Faculty monitoring, and student perceptions
- Departmental review
- Student feedback
- Employer feedback
- Quality assurance of Master’s, M. Phil and PhD degree programs
- Subject review
- Institutional assessment
- Program specifications
Following are some of the accomplishments of the Quality Enhancement Cell at national and international levels:
- Conducted self-assessment of programs against eight criteria and thirty one standards: Thirty Five (35) self-assessment reports have been prepared, Five (5) are in pipeline; Eight (8) self-assessment cycles have been completed across all campuses of the University.
- Followed up with corrective actions on deficiencies identified by the Assessment Committees during their self-assessment visits.
- Periodic training sessions for capacity building of Program Teams are arranged in all campuses.
- Continual training of Faculty.
- Contributed in academic literature of quality in higher education, both at national and international levels.
- Standardized quality assurance activities across all campuses through implementation of QEC Annual Activities Calendar, and rigorous periodic follow up through various channels.
- Provided facilitation in conducting of accreditations for all programs e.g. PEC, NCEAC, NBEAC, etc.
- Nominated QEC Assessment Committees comprising competent resources from various reputed universities of Pakistan.
- Continuous follow up for corrective actions on deficiencies identified by Assessment Committees.
- Periodic training sessions for capacity building of Program Teams are arranged in all campuses.
- Won INQAAHE Scholarship for attending INQAAHE Biennial Conference in Quality of Higher Education in USA.
- Updated QEC information on MUK website.
- Contributed in Ten conferences on quality in higher education; at national and international levels.
- Standardized quality assurance activities across all campuses through implementation of QEC Annual Activities Calendar and periodic follow up through monthly all campuses QEC meetings through video conferencing.
- Implemented quality assurance mechanism of MS/PhD programs as per HEC guidelines and requirements.
- Updating the Course Catalog covering all degree programs offered by the University.
- Registered in INQAAHE/APQN Database of approved consultants.
- Obtained news coverage in INQAAHE and HEC News Bulletins on regular basis.
- Contributed in SEVEN HEC national workshops on quality in higher education as resource person.
- Represented the University at Two HEC-QAA all Pakistan phase wise meetings.
- Arranged and contributed in 10 outcome based education workshops, as per accreditation council’s requirements.
- Acted as HEC resource person in several training workshops at national level to train faculty, staff, and QEC professionals of public and private sector universities.
- Acted as technical service consultant of Asian Productivity Organization (APO-Japan) to train more than 25 quality assurance professionals of Fiji Higher Education and other academic organizations in Republic of Fiji.
- Launched HEC structured questionnaires for measuring feedback from various stakeholders to enhance quality of education: The stake holders included Faculty, Alumni, Employers, Graduating Students, Current Students, and Faculty.
MUK is offering quality educational degrees at the bachelor and master levels in Business Administration and degrees at the master levels in Computer Science and Information Systems. The university’s expansions shall be forteen faculties, Certificate and Diploma Courses in various subject The MUK was given a charter under an Act of Parliament by the Sindh Provincial Assembly and Sindh Higher Education Commission of Pakistan as Private Charted University of Pakistan.
The MUK was given a charter under an Act of Parliament by the Sindh Provincial Assembly and Sindh Higher Education Commission of Pakistan as The Private Charted University of Pakistan. Some of the educational institutions and training organization based in the UK, Latvia, Russia, USA and Hong Kong and Singapore have shown interest in the Online education system of MUK which is in process on most modern LMS with its own technical capabilities.
Now Metropolitan University Karachi pride with its background beginning a success-oriented learning environment for the community following the dream of Late Muhammad Ayub’s dream which now coming to reality through MAB Foundation Trust.