Information Resource Center
The center is based on the concept of independent resource-based learning that provides books, periodicals, digital databases, and manuscripts. MUK also has audio-visual facilities in the library. For students who are preparing to write dissertations or conduct research for higher degrees, the center guides in using library and internet resources

- The Metropolitan University Karachi the library keeps information and learning material and services to support and improve the programs of the University. The library contains a collection a variety of books, journals, newspapers, audiovisual materials, reference materials, theses, dissertations, and more.
- The Metropolitan University Karachi provides students with online library resources and services through a consortium membership and subscriptions with the international library support services network.
- The Metropolitan University Karachi subscribes to research databases that provide access to online books, as well as content from journals, magazines, dissertations, and news sources covering a variety of topics.
- In near future students and faculty can access online library resources 24/7 through the University Faculty and Student Portal.
- Qualified and trained library professionals manage the Learning Resource Center. These professionals provide assistance, orienting, and tutoring to students and faculty in the use of the library.
- Training on topics such as information literacy, research methods, and writing bibliographies and resumes, which support the university’s learning objectives shall be ongoing.
- The Library shall be available for collection circulation, computer access, and printing, individual and group study, and reference and research services.
- For research assistance and training, students and faculty can visit the University Librarian or contact helpful, experienced by completing the help request under the Librarian Contact tab of their available portal.